
Quantum Distributors

Quantum for data archiving, backup, and recovery products!

The Quantum Range of products offers multiple hardware and software storage solutions for both consumer and enterprise customers. By leveraging innovative technology and solutions, Quantum products provide the highest value for your data. With more than 40 years of experience, Quantum technology excels at preserving and protecting your data unlike any other.

Quantum’s software-defined storage products range from non-volatile memory express to solid-state drives, hard disk drives, tapes, and the cloud. Their products cater to the unique demands of your data’s lifestyle by providing complete access, collaboration, and scalability to meet your data requirements.

Industries such as media and entertainment, surveillance and industrial IoT, geospatial, and energy have relied on Quantum to innovate and optimize their media assets. We are proud to offer Quantum products in USA.

If you want to unlock the best value from your data, contact netmatriks today!

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